Below are some of my favourite and best pieces that I have created during my time studying Graphic Design at St. Lawrence College.

E-commerce Logo & Website Design

This project was spread out between multiple courses. In one class, we designed all of the stages of the logo, in another, we created the actual e-commerce website design, and in a third class, we coded our own simple website using the previously created website design. The company I chose to create for this project was a baking supply company called Route 40 Baking Co. Because of the name, I created a logo that included the route marker sign shape, as well as a baking rolling pin. I chose to use black and blue for the logo because it created a very simple, modern, and clean look. Which was fitting for a baking supply company who has those brand values.

Musical Theatre Promotion Campaign

The goal for this project was to create a promotional poster for an upcoming musical theatre event held by the St. Lawrence College Musical Theatre Program. We had the choice between a production called Nine, or Spongebob the Musical. I chose Spongebob the Musical, as it seemed like an interesting chance to utilize bright colours and fun design elements. One of the main elements of my design is the stage set up. For this poster, I chose to go with an idea of having theatre curtains pulling back to show the stage. This way it is building anticipation, and ensuring that viewers know it is a stage production. I also used a variation of the signature Spongebob flowers in different shapes and sizes to help viewers make the connection between the TV series and the musical. The most important design element I chose to include, was the ‘sponge’ effect on some of the text. This really makes the connection, and will help it click with viewers without having to use the real Spongebob character from the TV series. I included the same design elements in the social media posts in order to create a fluent look so viewers will know the designs go together.

Corporate Logo Redesign

For this project, we received the name of a company who could use a logo redesign. I was given the company Fable, a dinnerware company that focuses on artisan homeware for hosting and gifting. The existing logo was not breaking any major rules, but it needed to fit with the company values and brand better. In order to do this, I took a look at the company and their website, to define their values and brand identity. I discovered that their products and branding felt luxurious, which was not reflected in the simple logo. Because of this, I created a simple but elegant icon to represent the values of the company. I paired it with a deep, rich green that also demonstrates the luxurious, quality feeling of the company.

Graphic Design Essential Skills Poster

Bright orange, pink, and purple poster with geometric shapes. Text describing the essential job skills for graphic design. Communication, problem solving, time management, creativity, and technical skills. Poster hanging by string and two black clips against a white wall and dark wood floor.
Graphic Design Job Skills Poster

The goal of this project was to gather research on the most essential graphic design job skills, and then find a meaningful way to exhibit them. I chose to create a bright and fun coloured poster in order to catch the viewers attention, and then make them want to keep reading the information on the poster. I specifically chose the orange/pink/purple colour scheme because the colours feel bright, fun, and intriguing. I also chose these fun colours because they would stand out as a poster on a plain white wall in a classroom. I paired each short paragraph with coloured icons that match the theme, and added to the overall bright theme of the poster. This poster may seem casual, and not related to jobs and business, but that was the main idea. To create a fun, “outside of the box” design that will grab attention, and be informational to anyone who reads it.